Support LM work in Africa and Latin America
Donate- Created By:
- Nils Arne Kastberg
- Date:
- December 14, 2024
- Collecting for:
- Läkarmissionens viktiga arbete
Support LM work in Africa and Latin America
I am making the jump to 70! Should you wish to share my passion of providing support to the LM work in Africa and Latin America, please give a gift, small or big, to change lives. I have followed the work of LM International since 1969, and they make a difference. In this picture, you see me with Dr. Denis Mukwege in the Panzi Hospital, Bukavu, DR Congo, supported by LM International in his work for women raped in most horrible ways
4,000 kr
Nils Arne Kastberg donated 1,000 kr
Recent activity
Lennart Kastberg donated 500 kr
Grattis bror! Alltid framme med en hjälpande hand ❤️
Maricel Blum donated 500 kr
Supporting LM and Nils in their great humanitarian work!
Samuel Kastberg donated 1,000 kr
Grattis på födelsedagen brorsan!
David Kastberg donated 500 kr
Ruth Kastberg donated 500 kr
Grattis på födelsedagen och tack för att du är en underbar bror, full av kärlek och omtanke för din nästa. Älskar dig! 🥰
Nils Arne Kastberg donated 1,000 kr